SJL The Movie: The Final Mission (2024)

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SJL The Movie: The Final Mission is a PG-13 Rated movie created by Super Javier Logan, being the final part of his series "The Little Einsteins Untold Dark Story".


The movie starts with a flashback on February 8th, 2021, the day of the trial of the Little Einsteins' old adoptive and abusive parents and grandmother; Daniel, Kate, and Raveena, at the Supreme Court. Javier was the first to be called to the stand. He explains to the judge that Daniel, Kate, and Raveena were always finding ways to make the Little Einsteins' lives like hell by giving them punishment days, warren-style punishments, and throwing them to their empty room. He then describes them as mentally ill and that they should be found guilty. Twilight Sparkle (from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) was the next to be called to the stand. She tells the judge that Daniel, Kate, and Raveena are the worst people she had ever seen because they find enjoyment in abusing their power over the Little Einsteins and having no care for anyone but themselves. She also brings up the worst parts they have done to the Little Einsteins; beating them with a belt, locking them up in their empty room with nothing but a window, and never giving them any food or water. She describes it as child abuse punishable by imprisonment. She states her hatred for Daniel, Kate, and Raveena, wishes that they were never parents to the Little Einsteins in the first place, and that they're guilty. When it was Leo's turn to walk up to the stand, Daniel threatens him not to tell the court about what he, his wife and mother-in-law did to him and his friends, otherwise they will give them the biggest punishment day. Nervous, Leo tells June that he doesn't know if he can tell the judge and that he's scared to do it. June tells him not to be scared to explain their old parents' abuse towards them and that she knows that he can do it. Kate threatens Leo not to go up to the stand, or else she will make his life worse than it already has.

Leo decided not to let Kate's threatening words discourage him and walks up to the stand. When the judge asks Leo about what his old parents and grandmother did to him and his team, Leo bravely states his opinion about Daniel, Kate, and Raveena that the worst family he had ever been with and that his and his friends' lives were nothing but suffering from late 2019 to 2020. He also brings up the time when they left them out in the rain and that they had to live at Javier's house until they come back for them, which they never did. He ends his explanation by saying that Daniel, Kate, and Raveena should be locked up behind bars for life and that he doesn't want to see them ever again, much to their shock and his friends' delight as June gives him a thumbs up.

Once Leo's turn was over, the judge turns his attention to Daniel, Kate, and Raveena and refer to them as criminals, much to their anger as Kate yells at him that they are not criminals, only to be interrupted mid-sentence by the judge by telling them that he didn't give her permission to talk and that she, her husband and mother are indeed criminals because of their abusive actions towards the Little Einsteins. When he asks them of how do they plead, all three of them pleaded "not guilty". When the judge asks the court of how do they find Daniel, Kate, and Revenna, they all say that they find them "guilty". The judge sentences Daniel, Kate, and Raveena to 30 years of imprisonment with no possibility of parole. This sends Daniel, Kate, and Raveena into a state of shock and dismay as Kate says that they won't survive 30 years in prison, only for the judge to reply that they should've thought twice before abusing their adoptive kids before ordering the guards to escort them out of court. Enraged, Daniel begins yelling at Javier while being dragged away by the police that he had made the biggest mistake of his entire life and that the Little Einsteins are gonna "ruin Vyond City forever" because of him.

Flash forward to 2 years later on October 8th, 2023 at the police station, Brooklyn Guy and Simmons (from SML) were talking about Daniel, Kate and Raveena while Brooklyn Guy is about to show them to him. However, Daniel, Kate, and Ravenna had managed to escape prison after Raveena had used the pickaxe to dig their way out. Once they make it to their cell, Brooklyn Guy calls for them, but receives no response from them. Finding out about their escape, Brooklyn Guy and Simmons sound the alarm. Meanwhile, Reivaj and Leinad, the evil counterparts of Javier and Daniel Brown (aka DB), had stolen the ice cream truck during the night and were discussing Reivaj's plan about kidnapping children. Daniel, Kate, and Raveena ran to the fields and stop to catch their breath after running far away from the police station. They start to think of new ways on how they're gonna kidnap the Little Einsteins on their 18th birthday and get their millions of dollars after they've failed to kidnap them the last time they were bailed out of jail by the new SML cast.

They then hear the music coming from the distance, much to Kate's frustration, believing that it is the police, but Raveena points out that it's not the police as it turns out that it's actually the same ice cream truck that Reivaj and Leinad had stolen. Kate runs up to the road and yells at them to get their attention and ask them for a ride. Once Reivaj and Leinad saw her, they immediately stop the ice cream truck. The five villians meet each other before Daniel, Kate, and Raveena requests them to give them a ride to Javier's house to kidnap the Little Einsteins and give them a punishment day as revenge for getting them sent to prison. Reivaj and Leinad refuse to go with their plan, despite that they also hate the Little Einsteins as much as they do. But when Daniel promises them that he will give them $50,000 if they help, they decide to go with their plan, only if they help them round up their troublemaking friends, and they agree to do it. Meanwhile, Brooklyn Guy and Simmons went to the chief, who's with Steve and Mr. Rodgers and wishing Steve a happy birthday, and informs him about Daniel, Kate, and Raveena's escape from prison, despite that the had locked up the entire prison, much to the chief's anger. He demands the four to bring back Daneil, Kate, and Raveena, dead or alive, or else he will fire them, and so they all went out to search for them.

The next day on October 9th, 2023 at Javier's house, Javier and DB were hanging up the party decorations for the Little Einsteins' 18th birthday party. Javier explains to DB that he wanted their birthday to be very special after it was ruined by the Super Readers in 2021, and again by Calliou and his sisters in 2022. Twilight Sparkle walks to the kitchen, delighted to see Javier working hard on decorating for the party. Javier asks DB to go to the store to buy 50 more balloons, much to DB's irritation before he leaves to fulfill Javier's request in frustration, yelling at him to leave him alone. Javier yells back at him, accidentally exposing his real intentions on receiving millions of dollars the Little Einsteins' biological parents inherited them, much to Twilight's disgust over his selfish desire. She scolds Javier and reminds that his parents and sister will be coming over for the party and that they would be disappointed if they find out that he's only doing this for the money. Javier denies this by telling her that the subject accidentally slipped out of his mind and that he actually loves the little Einsteins, and that they can move out of the house since they're now 18. Twilight protests against the idea of kicking the little Einsteins out of the house. Javier went upstairs to wake Leo up and reminds him that it's his and his team's 18th birthday. This excites Leo as he begins dancing on his bed and says that it will be the best day ever before Javier tells him to change his clothes. Leo, Annie, Quincy, and June all happily get themselves ready for their special day before they went downstairs to the kitchen and were elated to see the party decorations, presents, and refreshments. Javier, Twilight, and DB greeted them at the kitchen call for Dimitriy to surprise them with their birthday crowns. Annie asks Javier if they can wear them and Javier tells her not yet and they have to eat their breakfast first.

After the Little Einsteins finish their breakfast, Javier tells them that his parents will be coming over to visit them for the first time, much to their June's excitement and her friends' shock. Annie asks Javier if they are nice, and Javier explains to her that her mom is nice, his sister is sometimes nice, and he suggests that they don't want to get on his dad's bad side before Twilight tells them to be on their best behavior while Javier's family are here. Later, Javier was upstairs in the bathroom thinking about the fight he had with Luke (aka FoxAndNickReallyRule) and Jillian that left him with a head injury from Luke smashing him with a glass bottle. He then looks at the check and excites himself with the idea of getting $5,000,000 from the Little Einsteins and kicking them out of the house before he imagines himself dancing in huge piles of money. Twilight snaps him back to reality by yelling at him from outside to get out of the bathroom. Javier went downstairs before the doorbell rings, indicating that Javier's family had arrived, much to his fear. Dimitriy escorts him to the door before Javier cries and tells him he's scared to see his family because his dad was always tough on him sometimes, his sister being annoying, and his mom thinking that he's hiding something, and it always makes him feel ashamed of himself. Dimitriy assures him that everything will be fine. June was about to open the door before Twilight tells her to let Javier do it, but Javier refuses to do it. Twilight, with the help from DB and Dimitriy, shoves Javier to the door before he reluctantly decides to give in and opens the door. Javier's mom (Sarah), dad (Javier Sr.), and sister (Madison) all greeted him in a reunion while Twilight, DB, and Dimitriy approach them. The Little Einsteins were shocked to see Javier's family in person for the first time as Annie states that she doesn't like them, only to be scolded by June by telling her not to say that since they don't know them yet and to give them some time. They then introduced themselves to Javier's family before June and Annie showed Madison around the house while Twilight take Sarah to the living room. The doorbell ring and Javier Sr. answers the door and was greeted by Kirby, Tiff, Tuff, Fololo, and Falala (from Kirby Right Back At Ya) who were coming over for the party. They mistaken Javier Sr. for his son before Javier went outside to explain the situation, leaving Kirby and his friends in a state of shock that they're greeted by Javier's dad before Javier allows them inside the house.

Meanwhile, Reivaj and Leinad were waiting impatiently for Daniel, Kate, and Raveena to change into their original clothes. Once they're done, they see that every troublemaker (Dora, Kai-Lan, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Little Bill, Caillou, Lily, Junior, Joseph, Lil' T, Marvin, Rose, Braxton, and Duggie), except for Cody, Rosie, and Daisy, are here. Reivaj asks Junior, Joseph, and Lil' T about Cody's whereabouts and Junior explains that Cody told them that he doesn't want to come here. When Kate asks why, Junior says that it's because Cody doesn't want to get in trouble again. Suddenly, Rosie called out to Reivaj and Leinad that she and Daisy had found and brought Cody in. Cody tells them that he doesn't want to participate in their evil plan before Daisy yells at him that he is doing this plan. Daniel interrupted their argument and demanded for them to take their seats. Daniel, Kate, and Raveena start discussing their plan to the troublemakers about their plan to kidnap the Little Einsteins on their 18th birthday. They went into the details of using the ice cream truck to distract the party guests, and once the Little Einsteins get close enough, Marvin, Rose, Braxton, and Penelope, will grab them into the truck and speed off. Leinad asks if he and Reivaj can drive the ice cream truck while the new SML cast kidnap the Little Einsteins and Daniel, Kate, and Raveena agrees with their idea. When Junior asks what they're gonna do after they kidnap the Little Einsteins, Daniel explains to him that once they get them, they will give them a big giant punishment day, much to the delight of all the troublemakers' (except Cody, believing that this idea is way too extreme and will get them arrested). Daniel then ends the discussion by ordering the troublemakers to go get their kids back before Kate throws the knife at Leo's head from the Little Einsteins banner.

Back at Javier's house, the Little Einsteins started wearing their birthday crowns before they went downstairs where all the party guests were and were greeted and congratulated by them. Annie tells Javier and Twilight that their party is the best, Javier replies that they're glad they enjoyed it before saying they have a lot of gifts full of expensive items and hoping that one day they'll repay them like today, much to Twilight's disdain and Javier's family's concern. Everyone went outside to the backyard for Leo to hit the pinata. While the kids were receiving candy after Leo hits the pinata open, Javier's parents request him for a conversation inside and Javier tells Twilight and Dimitriy that he'll be inside talking to his parents. Once they make it to Javier's room, Javier asks them if he's in trouble. Javier Sr. tells him he's not in trouble and that they want to know how things have been since they haven't seen each other in a long time. Javier at first tells them that everything is fine, but then he decides to spill the beans about what's been going on two years ago. Before he could explain, Annie walks into the room and asks Javier if he's coming downstairs to sing "Happy Birthday". Javier tells her that he'll do it later and Annie leaves the room. Javier then resumes explaining to his parents the events from 2021 when he met the Little Einsteins for the first time and brought them into his house after their old parents dropped them off and left them behind and he couldn't find them. He then tells them about the abuse they've suffered under the hands of Daniel, Kate, and Raveena and that he regretted letting them take the Little Einsteins away before he adopted them and received them therapy because of it. This horrified both of Javier's parents by the time he finished his story. Sarah apologizes to Javier about what he had to endure and Javier Sr. asks him about Daniel, Kate, and Raveena's whereabouts. Javier tells him that they're in jail and hadn't seen them in two years until they escaped prison a year ago and then went back to prison. Javier's parents comforted him and told him how proud they are for looking after the Little Einsteins. Knowing that his parents had overheard him mentioning the payment at the party earlier, Javier shows them the check about about the money the Little Einsteins had inherited from their biological parents, much to their shock. He then tells them that he prefers having the kids than the money. Touched by this, Sarah tells him that this is why he's her favorite child and Javier Sr. went downstairs. As soon as Javier Sr. left the room, Javier and Sarah sat down on Javier's bed and Sarah tells him that she knows his late grandmother is really proud of him for taking care of the kids. Javier thanks her and says he wants to make the Little Einsteins's 18th birthday special while trying to cover up the fact that he's only doing this for the money when Sarah asks him about that topic.

Suddenly the news on Javier's TV revealed that the Little Einsteins' biological parents want their kids back after they dropped them off to live with Daniel, Kate, and Raveena three years ago. The news cuts to the interviewer questioning one of the biological parents, Leo and Annie's father, about why they drop the kids off to live with Daniel, Kate, and Raveena before the patriarch explains that the reason why they did it is because the Little Einsteins have been causing too much trouble in Vyond City, and because of that, they decided to send them to live with a different family instead of them. The interviewer asks Leo and Annie's father why they think that it is a good idea, and the father explains that it's because they couldn't deal with them anymore and that they decided to move on, but when 2022 came, they were starting to miss their kids and that it didn't take long until February of 2023 when Leo and Annie's father made a message about wanting their kids back. The interviewer asks the father if he knows about where the Little Einsteins are right now, and the father answers no before he turns to the fourth wall and tells the Little Einsteins (if they are watching the news) to "f*ck off" before he leaves, meaning that he and the other biological parents actually have no regrets on dropping their kids off. Furious upon learning that the Little Einsteins aren't gonna receive any money like he hoped, Javier started exposing his true colors in front of his mother, yelling that he's canceling the party. The mother and son began arguing and Javier tells Sarah that he doesn't really love the Little Einsteins and that he's not gonna let them continue to live with him. Disgusted by her son's cruel words, Sarah tells him that the Little Einsteins would be really upset, had they heard the awful things he said about them, but Javier replied to her that he's upset with what he heard from the news and that he thought that he and Twilight will be receiving money. Sarah points out that the money wasn't his, and Javier tells her that he thought they were gonna share their money with him before he storms out of the room to cancel the party and kick the Little Einsteins out of the house, with Sarah chasing after him. As they left, the news revealed the jailbreak of Daniel, Kate, and Raveena.

Meanwhile, the troublemakers were on their way to Javier's house to kidnap the Little Einsteins in an ice cream truck, driven Leinad as Reivaj plays the ice cream music. Back at Javier's house, the Little Einsteins (no longer wearing their birthday crowns) met up with Kirby, Tiff, and Tuff at the backyard. Leo asks how's the party going for them, and Tiff answers him that the party is going well for them. Tuff asks where their birthday crowns at, and June explains that they decided to take break from wearing them but says that they'll put them back on when they sing "Happy Birthday". They then hear the music from ice cream truck from the front yard. Back inside, Javier was storming downstairs as Sarah decided that it's no use arguing with him by herself and calls her husband to inform the situation. Downstairs at the living room, Javier Sr. was watching party guests playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate until he receives a call from Sarah about what their son is planning to do before he leaves the living room to deal with him. As soon as he left, the party guests heard music from the ice cream truck outside before they decided to get ice cream. Javier enters the kitchen to get the Little Einsteins out of the house, only to see that no one was present before he went outside to search for them just before his parents entered the kitchen. Leo and Annie met up with Twilight in the front yard until they saw the ice cream truck. Annie asks Twilight if they can get ice cream and Twilight agrees with their request. The Little Einsteins asks what they thought is the ice cream man if they can have ice cream. Reivaj answered yes and requests for them to go to the back of the truck. Javier walks outside and asks Twilight where the Little Einsteins at before Twilight tells him they're getting ice cream from the ice cream truck. Javier sees the ice cream truck and immediately notices something isn't right before he yells at the kids to get back in the house. Unfortunately he wasn't able to save them on time as new SML cast grabbed the Little Einsteins and pulled them inside the back of the ice cream truck. Reivaj and Leinad quickly sped off as Javier chases after them, with his parents and Twilight following him. Javier jumps on the back of the truck and opens the door, but Rose punches him in the face, knocking him off the truck. Leo's glasses fall from his face before Rose closes the door as Javier helplessly watches the Little Einsteins being taken away. Rose knocks out the Little Einsteins with her baseball bat before the troublemakers carry them to Bowser's airship that they have stolen.

Back at Javier's house, while the kids were discussing on how to find the ice cream truck and rescue the Little Einsteins (leading to an argument over Jake and Olly's incorrect art designs of them), Javier and Twilight were crying over the abduction of the Little Einsteins while being comforted by their friends until Javier's family intervened and exposed Javier's intentions on kicking the kids out of the house. Enraged over this, Twilight starts yelling at Javier for planning to go against her wishes and kick the kids out of the house while she is gone. Javier tells her that it was because he was angry over finding out that the Little Einsteins' biological parents were alive the whole time and that he thought he was not getting any money. This disgusted Twilight even more that it's the reason why he's trying to exile the Little Einsteins from their home and says that he ruined the Little Einsteins' birthday. Javier apologizes to her and tells her that he has a solution to the problem. When Twilight asks him how, he said that he's gonna go rescue the Little Einsteins. His friends however doubted that he'll find them since nobody has any idea where they could be now and told him that he'll just waste his time searching for them. Javier tells them that he's going to rescue them no matter what and then goes to the garage to get Rocket. Once there, Javier informs Rocket about the Little Einsteins' abduction (and that he tried to kick them out of the house, much to Rocket's disapproval). Javier's sister and parents entered the garage where they were shocked to see Rocket for the first time. Javier introduced them to Rocket before they went outside. Javier's family ran after him to stop him and have a conversation about why he was trying to kick the Little Einsteins out of the house. Javier spills the beans that he just wanted the money, but he now feels regret over his selfish actions of thinking about it instead of his own family. He tells them that he can't save them alone and that he needs their help, but his parents and sister were disgusted and angry over his actions, and Javier Sr. asks his son why they should help him after trying to kick the kids out of the house. Javier replied that it's his own fault for thinking about the money more than them, and he just wanted everything to go perfect but allowed his desires to become rich blind him and ruin his plans. Tiff, overhearing their conversation, decided to inform her friends about Javier's rescue plan and that he might have a hard time looking for them and that they should help him. But her friends are skeptical about this because they don't know where they can be, that this plan sounds dangerous and that they're just children (with Olly stating that some of them don't like the Little Einsteins). Tiff tells them that she knows some of them don't like the Little Einsteins but they are her friends. She then reminded them about the previous adventures her friends had endured on their own shows (Jake succeeding in rescuing Neverland, Sofia rescuing her family from Maleficent, and Kirby defeating every monster that King Dedede had sent from the Nightmare Enterprises Company).

Tiff then asks who will be volunteering to come with her to help Javier, and Kirby, Tuff, Sofia, Fololo, Falala, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Vampirina, Olly (despite he doesn't like the Little Einsteins), and Olivia decided to come along, while Ash, Misty, Poppy, and Bridget decided to stay behind. DB, Dimitriy, and Twilight approached the conversation and ask what's going on, and Tiff tells them that some of them wanted to help Javier save the Little Einsteins. Twilight, even though she's touched by their offer, tells Tiff that she didn't have to do that, but Tiff responded that she wanted to help the Little Einsteins. The trio decided to agree with their plan and volunteer to join them in helping Javier save the Little Einsteins. Overhearing this, Javier tells his parents that everyone is now agreeing to rescue the Little Einsteins and begs them for their parents. After their short thinking, his family then agreed to help, but his father told him that this is a one time only thing that they're helping him rescue baby show characters. Later on during their gathering, Javier tells Tiff, Tuff, Izzy, Cubby, Olly, Olivia, DB, and Twilight that they're going to be in Rocket (and that Tiff is gonna be driving Rocket), and that Kirby, Jake, Vampirina will be in the car with him and his family, while Fololo and Falala will be flying above the car. Dimitriy asks Javier where he and Sofia will be at, and Misty and Ash offer them to use their motorcycle before the gang start saying farewell to their family and friends and getting themselves ready to leave for the rescue mission.

Meanwhile at Bowser's airship, Leo wakes up and finds himself in a prison cell surrounded by his friends, who are still unconscious. He wakes them up and tells them that they're in a prison cell, much to their shock. Leo tells them to calm down and says that they were tricked when they were abducted by the new SML cast and Javier and DB's evil clones instead of being given ice cream and that they were knocked out by Rose's baseball bat. Annie, noticing that her brother isn't wearing glasses, asks him about them, and to his shock, he discovers that he's no longer wearing glasses. Marvin, Rose, Braxton, Reivaj, and Leinad suddenly arrive at the Little Einsteins' prison cell and wish them an unhappy 18th birthday. Quincy tells them that it's heartless and that they're gonna get a hate base for it, but Reivaj tells him that they don't care if they'll get a hate base and that he and his friends deserve it for having their own TV show. June asks them about their whereabouts and why they had kidnapped them. Leinad tells her that they're on Bowser's airship and that they've stolen his airship before they kidnapped them, and that the reason why they kidnapped them is because there is someone who wants to meet them so badly before Reivaj tells them that he bets they know them very well. Leo replies that he doesn't care who it is, that they just want to know who's responsible for his and his team's abduction. Marvin then calls for the people who are behind their plan and the Little Einsteins were immediately shocked to see that they happen to be their old abusive, adoptive parents and grandmother; Daniel, Kate, and Raveena. Leo asks how they were able to escape prison and that he and his friends thought that they'll never see them again after they tried to take Annie away from them a year ago. Kate explains that they dug their way out of prison and that they've rounded up some troublemakers to help kidnap them. Daniel congratulates the troublemakers for their success in abducting the Little Einsteins and Reivaj thanks him. Raveena requests for the troublemakers to leave and let them have their "family time" with the Little Einsteins. Once the troublemakers have left, Kate (sarcastically) tells to the Little Einsteins that she can't beleive that it's been so long since she, Daniel, and Raveena had seen them and that they have no idea how much they "missed" them, only for Leo to reply that they don't miss them back (especially him), and that they've been torturing them for months from 2020 to early 2021 and that their abuse towards them has drive them crazy. Raveena openly admits to the Little Einsteins that they did abuse them and that they missed how they used to misbehave every single day and that they enjoyed giving them so many punishments and sending them upstairs to their empty room. Kate states her agreement with her mother and tells the Little Einsteins that they should know that she, Daniel, and Raveena are "the heroes of Vyond City, not some stupid crybaby brats". Daniel then angrily tells the Little Einsteins that they have no idea how much trouble they are in and that they've seriously put them through so much hell. June replies that this was all on them because of the way they've been abusing them throughout the course of months and that they even force them to stand outside in the freezing rain after they gambled and misbehaved at Walmart. Annie states her agreement with June and says that they had to stay at Javier's house because they were freezing out in the rain. Raveena tells them that it's their own fault for doing "all kinds of sh*t" in their lives before she, her daughter, and son-in-law start preparing themselves to ground them once again.

Daniel begins yelling at the Little Einsteins for disobeying their order of not entering anyone else's homes during their punishment by going to Javier's house, as well as jumping out of their car and running away from them when they were about to send them back to their house, and getting them arrested (twice). Raveena states that this has got to be "one of the worst things" the Little Einsteins had ever done to them before Kate began grounding them for 37,585,747 years. Leo tells them that they are not their parents anymore (despite the fact that he's still calling them "mom", "dad", and "grandma") and that Javier and Twilight are their real parents. But Kate replies that Javier and Twilight are not here to say otherwise and that she, Daniel, and Raveena are their real parents, not them. Meanwhile, Cody, outside, starts eavesdropping on their conversation. Daniel states that since it's the Little Einsteins' birthday, they have a birthday gift for them (but only one). When Leo asks what their gift is, Daniel answers that the Little Einsteins' birthday gift is, to their shock, punishment day. He then tells the Little Einsteins that he, Kate, and Raveena will be planning for their punishment day tonight and that they are not gonna be feeding them any food for lunch or dinner before they then leave them behind in their prison cell. After their conversation is over, Cody, feeling symphony for the Little Einsteins and regret for going along with the plan, tells himself that he has to put a stop to the Little Einsteins' punishment day before he is then confronted by Junior, Joseph, and Lil' T. Cody asks them what they want from him, and Junior tells him that they were looking for him because Daniel, Kate, and Raveena wanted them to make ideas for the Little Einsteins' punishment day. Cody, shocked and appalled over this, asks them since when did he decide to help the Little Einsteins' abusers to punish their kids, and Joseph answers since they agreed to kidnap them and comments him how "stupid" he can be. Cody tells Joseph that he never wanted anything to do with their plan and that he and the rest of the new SML cast forced him against his will to participate in every evil plan they've came up for almost nine months ever since he kissed Penelope. He states that all of this is making his life miserable and comes clean to them that he doesn't want to help with the Little Einsteins' punishment day and that he doesn't want to be a villain anymore. But Junior, Joseph, and Lil' T are not gonna take no for an answer as Junior begins yelling at Cody that he's not going to ruin their plans to torture the Little Einsteins and that they're are a lot of them and only one of him. Junior then threatens Cody that they will give him a brutal punishment day if he doesn't help them before he, Joseph, and Lil' T storm out of the room. Cody then promised the Little Einsteins (even though they can't hear him through the door) that he's going to get them out before he leaves.


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SJL The Movie: The Final Mission (2024)


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